The entire region will be under a Cold Weather Advisory from 9 p.m. Monday, Jan. 20 until noon on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
The National Weather Service said dangerously cold wind chills as low as 25 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes.
Following are area cancellations and delays due to the cold weather:
- All Galesburg CUSD 205 schools will be closed on Tuesday, January, 21.
- Monmouth-Roseville District 238 will have an E-Learning Day on Tuesday, January 21. Students in grades 9 to 12 should log into your device to find your activities for the day. Students in grades Kindergarten to 8 should work on the packet of activities that were sent home from the teacher.
Este es el Distrito Escolar de Monmouth-Roseville con un mensaje para nuestros padres:
Debido a las malas condiciones de las carreteras, el martes 21 de enero es un día de aprendizaje electrónico para todos los estudiantes. Los estudiantes de los grados 9 a 12 deben iniciar sesión en su dispositivo para encontrar sus actividades del día. Los estudiantes de jardín de infantes a octavo grado deben trabajar en el paquete de actividades que el maestro envió a casa.
Voici le district scolaire de Monmouth-Roseville avec un message pour nos parents :
En raison du mauvais état des routes, le mardi 21 janvier est une journée d'apprentissage en ligne pour tous les étudiants. Les élèves de la 9e à la 12e année doivent se connecter à votre appareil pour trouver vos activités de la journée. Les élèves de la maternelle à la 8e année doivent travailler sur le paquet d'activités envoyé à la maison par l'enseignant. - Mediapolis CSD will be closed on Tuesday, January 21.
- Central Lee CSD will be closed on Tuesday, January 21.
- Both the Western Illinois University Macomb and Quad Cities campuses will be closed beginning at 11 p.m. Monday, Jan. 20 through 6 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 due to negative temperatures and dangerous windchill. University residence halls will remain open. Dining centers will be open for brunch from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Go West buses will operate on a break route schedule. Check WIU Facebook and Instagram (@westerniluniv) for the most up-to-date information.
- Macomb School District 185 will have an E-Learning Day on Tuesday, January 21. No learning will occur onsite. K-12 students will meet via Microsoft Teams at a specific time and attendance will be taken. Learning experiences will be communicated through the teachers' Daily Tasks document which can be found in Microsoft Teams or in Clever, email or distributed by the classroom teacher. Detailed information regarding E-Learning Days and the start time for the Microsoft Team meeting for each building can be found on the E-Learning page of the district website. Pre-K teachers will email parents at 9 a.m. with activities students can complete at home.
- School is cancelled for Burlington Community School District on Tuesday, January 21.
- Illini West High School will observe an E-learning day on Tuesday, January 21.
- All campus locations of Spoon River College will be closed Tuesday, January 21. Students should refer to Canvas for course details from faculty.
- All Southeastern Community College sites will open at 10 a.m. Tuesday, January 21. Students should report to class with a start time of 10 a.m. or later.
- VIT CUSD 2 will have an e-Learning day for Tuesday, January 21.
- School is cancelled for Dallas Elementary School District 327 on Tuesday, January 21. Evening activities are also cancelled.
- West Burlington School District will be closed on Tuesday, January 21.
- The Central Lee School District will be operating on a two-hour delay on Tuesday, January 21. There will be no morning preschool. Hawk's Place will open at 9 a.m.