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Railroad company donates to Keokuk depot renovation

F.J. Bandholts
Library of Congress

A rail company made a donation to help pay for upkeep of the historic Keokuk Union Depot.

Patriot Rail Corp. contributed $7,000 to the Keokuk Union Depot Foundation. Patriot Rail owns and operates the railway that run adjacent to the depot.

The foundation has been the leading force in the depot’s ongoing restoration.

“It was a lovely contribution,” said Janet Smith, President of the foundation.

“It means a lot to the community that the major tracking system -- that has gone through many iterations of ownership -- is taking note of what we're doing to restore the depot.”

Smith said the donation will help pay for ongoing renovations inside and outside the waiting room, and could help purchase new windows for the depot.

“(New windows) would really help with security of the depot and improve its appearance significantly, as well also help with energy issues,” she said.

This contribution follows another recent donation from the Jeffris Family Foundation in Wisconsin, which gave the depot foundation a $275,000 matching grant, which is going toward renovating the depot’s waiting room.

The foundation has also secured another grant to afford and install new windows in the building’s central tower.

Reconstruction of the depot’s roof was completed in 2018, and the turtleback-style trackside canopy was renovated last year.

Smith said the foundation is also happy to have established a working relationship with Patriot Rail, as both the resident railroad and depot foundation work together to preserve the historic area.

“We hope that that will continue,” she said. “They've expressed interest in in a continuing relationship and more to come with the restoration of the depot. It's really attracted the hearts and minds of the Keokuk community and nationwide people who know Keokuk and used to know the depot. It's really wonderful to see the support that we are getting.”

The train station was built in 1890 and 1891 and opened in 1891.

Passenger service ended 56 years ago.

The city of Keokuk has owned the building since 2011.

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