Now that repairs are finished to the brick streets around Rushville's square, the city is turning its attention to Central Park.
One of the biggest projects will be renovation of the gazebo. Mayor Scott Thompson said the city won't have to foot the entire bill.
“This is the really cool thing: we have commitments from anonymous donors for at least $65,000 if not more,” said Thompson.
Thompson said city will work to maintain the gazebo's historic features. He said a new walnut floor and new floor joists will be needed. The roof, the ceiling, and the flagpole might also need to be replaced, but the full extent of the work has not been determined.
Thompson envisions completing the gazebo work by the end of next summer. He said the cost of the rehab project is not yet known.
The city is also making other improvements to Central Park. It will install new benches, and it will remove dead trees, trim branches, and raise canopies. Those projects should be completed before Smiles Day on September 21.