The Pride Parade on Jefferson Street was followed by the Pride on the Riverfront Celebration and a Pride After Dark drag show.
The ACLU of Iowa and Lambda Legal filed a lawsuit Tuesday on behalf of eight students challenging a state law that restricts discussions of LGBTQ topics in schools and bans books that describe sex acts.
Family Planning Services has been in Galesburg since 1976 and is looking to provide more services to the local LGBTQ+ community.
OSF HealthCare's insurance policy bars LGBTQ employees from fertility treatment coverage.
There aren’t any definite numbers about how many farmers belong to the LGBTQ community in the U.S, but many are making a point to become more visible in their rural communities.
Many aging LGBTQ Illinoisans face barriers to health care and financial security and fear discrimination in senior communities, according to a combined…
Most states don't allow transgender people to correct their names on marriage certificates, even after going through a legal name change. Legislators and advocates hope to make Illinois the second state to permit marriage certificate name changes.
In his first weeks in office, President Joe Biden rolled back multiple federal policies that negatively affected LGBTQ+ people under former president…
When the Westboro Baptist Church announced it would picket at Western Illinois University, the school and the community got together to create a…
Macomb community members and Western Illinois University faculty, students, and staff sprang to action this week planning a counter-protest after they…