Consumers are buying more certified organic fruits and vegetables every year, and in the Midwest and Plains states, much of it is grown on small farms....
Burkey Farms in southeast Nebraska looked into the future a couple of years ago and didn’t like what it saw — a continuation of depressed prices for...
Can food be organic even if it’s not grown in soil? Many hydroponic growers in the U.S. want access to the $40 billion organic market, but a board that…
While consumers might seek out organic food for its purity, organic farmers have a reputation for being anything but. At least, that's the social stigma…
WIU’s Allison Organic Research and Demonstration Farm’s annual Field Day will be held August 13, 2015 at 9am. Andy Ambriole will give the keynote…
A battle is brewing in the organic food industry. The largest trade association for organic farmers, marketers, and processors wants growers to help pay…
The Farm Bill was passed in February. But now, piece by piece, it’s taking effect. We’re beginning to see how parts of the farm bill are doing more to…
The USDA has issued a report saying over half of Illinois, and over 80 percent of Iowa is abnormally dry but corn and soybeans are not the only crops at…
Organic and conventional farming each have advantages. Organic fields don't use synthetic pesticides while conventionally grown crops produce higher…