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WIU Issues Its Own Set of Postage Stamps

A current series of US Postal Service stamps encourages people to think green. Meanwhile, Western Illinois University is using stamps to encourage people to think purple.

The university has printed sheets of stamps for first class letters and for postcards.  You can see the designs in the photo that accompanies this story.

Brad Bainter, WIU Vice President of Advancement and Public Services, said the stamps are a marketing tool, not a fundraiser.

"The US Postal Service does not allow us to make money on these so it's a break even proposition for us. It's a great marketing opportunity for us, though," Bainter said.

He said it's possible the design will be changed over time.

"We're already talking about maybe using some possible art work that maybe our students do for our holiday cards or something like that," Bainter said. "So we will switch it up from time to time but we will stay pretty close to the 'Think Purple' campaign right now."

A sheet of 20 Think Purple WIU postage stamps can be purchased at the University Union Service Center, at the Alumni House, and online through the WIU Alumni Association.

"We will talk to the post office here in town about making them available as well," Bainter said.

Rich is TSPR's News Director.