The Burlington School District is trying to make sure its employees know how to respond to a dangerous situation or circumstance.
It is working with the Burlington Police Department on ALICE Training, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate.
ALICE Training is used when there is a violent intruder on-scene, for example a school or an office.
Burlington School District Spokesperson Derek Baker says this training is critical, especially when it comes to protecting children.
"Do I harden my area, or barricade myself in, to protect against a threat," says Baker, "or do I evade and evacuate to get away from that threat."
Baker says all staff members have gone through an ALICE training class.
He says crisis information folders have been updated to reflect the new degrees of training. They will soon be distributed to faculty and staff.
Baker says the Burlington School District plans to hold drills next month to start introducing the training to students.