The contest for a legislative seat in western Illinois has the attention of a statewide watchdog group. The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform tracks political contributions in the state and has named the race for 93rd District State Representative one of the ten most contested state races in Illinois.
The incumbent is Norine Hammond (R-Macomb). She plans to formally announce she is seeking re-election to a fifth term within the next few weeks. Hammond already has about $342,842 available for her campaign. Much of that money is left over from last year when she defeated Democratic challenger John Curtis in what ended up being a million dollar race.
Curtis is also from Macomb and is once again running for the Democratic nomination. Curtis is an English teacher and the owner of Barefoot Gardens, which is a CSA. Curtis is sitting on about $43,607 in campaign cash.
Hammond also drew a challenger for the Republican primary in March. Joshua Griffith, who is from Abingdon, is an Army veteran. He works for Locke’s Roofing and Siding in Galesburg. Griffith has registered his campaign with the state but not yet reported any campaign donations.