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Sheriff: Deputy and others helped save gunshot victim’s life

The McDonough County sheriff said many of his deputies are volunteer firemen and EMTs. He said their training in those roles helped save a life during a recent shooting.

The shooting on Friday, August 25 happened at a home in a remote part of the county near Plymouth.

Sheriff Nick Petitgout said it was miles away from the nearest hospital, and the victim required immediate medical attention.

“The one deputy that arrived on the scene is also a fireman and EMT for the Colchester Fire Department. I believe those things were very beneficial to saving lives that day,” Petitgout said.

Deputy Jared Dixon was joined by members of the Colchester Fire Department and Lifeguard ambulance in treating Jeremy Campbell, 41, who had recently moved back to the region.

Campbell was eventually driven to Memorial Hospital in Carthage before being transferred to a level one trauma center. He is still in the hospital recovering from gunshot wounds to the abdomen and hand.

Investigators believe he was shot with a nine millimeter handgun by his father, Jeffrey Campbell, 68, during an altercation. The elder Campbell was also injured, apparently from a punch to the face.

The investigation is ongoing and no one has been charged.

Tri States Public Radio produced this story.  TSPR relies on financial support from our readers and listeners in order to provide coverage of the issues that matter to west central Illinois, southeast Iowa, and northeast Missouri. As someone who values the content created by TSPR's news department please consider making a financial contribution.

Rich is TSPR's News Director.