The Shop Talk panelists discuss the use of Facebook Live to give audiences a behind-the-scenes look at what happens in a newsroom and/or during a live…
The world’s largest social media site is becoming more accessible to the visually impaired.Facebook is filled with pictures and life updates. People can…
Social media has changed the way we communicate. One department at Western Illinois University is acknowledging this by implementing a new minor on the…
Dean Alexander has spent years researching ISIS in his role as a Professor of Homeland Security at Western Illinois University. ISIS, also known as the…
The Shop Talk panelists discuss examples of bad judgment by reporters using social media.In one recent case, a smiling TV reporter posed on top of a pile…
The Shop Talk panelists begin the new year by talking about new media.In particular, they discuss plans by Facebook to promote news articles posted by…
Many companies are using what you post on Facebook to learn more about you. Another group of people is also using Facebook to gather data,…
The Keokuk School District is increasing security at its high school, based on a possible online threat.Principal Larry Frakes said several students told…
The panelists discuss whether Facebook attracts narcissists or turns users into narcissists.The New York Times' Tara Parker-Pope raised the issue in a…