Food and Wine Magazine named Sitka Salmon Shares one of the 20 "Best Food Artisans" in America.Sitka Salmon Shares is located in the Sustainable Business…
Intellihot, which makes and sells tankless water heaters. received $400,000 from the Illinois Clean Energy Fund.Founder and CEO Sridhar Deivasaganami said…
The idea of sustainability is often preached by environmentalists, though it can be difficult to pinpoint the meaning of the concept.“Sustainability is a…
A company that started this past year in Galesburg’s sustainable business center is having a happy holiday season. Sitka Salmon Shares sells portions, or…
Rich Egger’s guests on Emphasis are Cesar Suarez, Ryan Lilly, and Eric Dilts. They talk about the Sustainable Business Center in Galesburg.Suarez is the…
A series of meetings with farmers will be held to explain the role they can play in a proposed new plant that would create biofuel by extracting oil from…