Transgender students are an increasing population at Western Illinois University. To help the community understand the challenges and issues these people face, WIU is holding its first ever Transgender Awareness week.
It’s being presented by the University’s LGBTQA Resource Center, which was formed only last year.
Sara Dam, the Resource Center’s graduate assistant, said even she was unaware of some of the challenges that transgender students face every day.
These include having a student ID card that doesn’t match with their declared identity, which can cause problems when going through the lunch line.
"At my undergrad university, they did a transgender awareness week and it really influenced me and opened up my eyes to trans-phobia and all those things that exist in today’s society," Dam said.
Transgender Awareness week began Monday with a panel for transgender students to share their stories with the community. It concludes on Thursday with a remembrance of those of have been hurt or died as a result of violence toward those who are transgendered.