The Lee County Economic Development Group sees 2015 as a critical year when it comes to shaping its future.
Marketing & Communications Manager Dana Klesner said LCEDG reached out to local businesses and industries to find out what the organization could be doing better for them.
She said the result is that LCEDG should focus its efforts on business retention & expansion as well as on workforce development.
Klesner said this will be accomplished through the new "Grow Lee" initiative, which grew out of a series of countywide meetings.
Aspects of the initiative include creating Lego Robotics leagues for young children at local libraries and establishing scholarships and apprenticeships to help students and adults further their educations.
Klesner said the Lego Robotics leagues could surprise some, but it is about getting young children interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics).
"And get them excited about working with their hands, figuring out problems, and being able to stay interested in the sciences and mathematics," said Klesner.
She said this is a major initiative, so it will require plenty of volunteers and contributions.
"We cannot have these programs move forward and be a success without the help of our partners, so being able to connect with those key individuals who can help bring these programs to live and Lee County a success in the long run is a 'win-win' for everyone."