Monday – Friday, September 23 – 27, 2019 | unknown precisely (during ME/AE):
Enrollment Exodus, 5-Part Series from Illinois Public Radio stations
(details, TBD)
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 | 12-1pm:
Under a Watchful Eye: How colleges are tracking students to boost graduation
A growing number of colleges are collecting and crunching vast amounts of data about students to help steer them to courses and majors they can manage, but what do students gain and lose when they’re tracked onto a narrow path to graduation? Reporter Jill Barshay of the Hechinger Report teams up with APM Reports to examine the growing use of predictive analytics to get more students across the finish line and deliver more revenue to schools, and how it’s reshaping the college experience.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 | 12-1pm:
Students on the Move: Keeping uprooted kids in school
Moving a lot is hard on school kids. A growing body of research says children with unstable housing are more likely to struggle in school and more likely to drop out. And millions of children in the United States have unstable housing. This APM Reports documentary focuses on two groups of kids who often change addresses – homeless kids and children of migrant farm workers -- and explores efforts to help these students do well in school.
Thursday, September 26, 2019 | 12-1pm:
At a Loss For Words: What’s wrong with how schools teach reading
There’s an idea about how people read words that’s deeply embedded in teaching practices and curriculum materials widely used in elementary school classrooms. This idea has been disproven by cognitive scientists, yet it continues to be taught in teacher preparation programs, promoted in professional development sessions, and marketed by publishers. This APM Reports documentary investigates where the idea comes from, why it holds on, and how it harms kids.