Opponents argued that eminent domain should not be used to take land for a private company’s project.
The company cancelled the project ten days after withdrawing its application before the Illinois Commerce Commission.
The company said it “has elected to reassess the route and other aspects” of the project.
Proposed projects would add more than 3,000 miles of new carbon pipelines through rural parts of the Midwest. Some emergency officials are concerned about safety, especially after a rupture on a similar pipeline three years ago.
A carbon capture company is asking Iowa regulators to put a "hold" on its application to build a pipeline.
The Law and Legal Committee is recommending the county intervene in Navigator's new case before the Illinois Commerce Commission, just as it did with Navigator’s earlier application.
Heartland Greenway LLC refiled its application with the Illinois Commerce Commission last Friday after voluntarily withdrawing it at the end of January.
An estimated 50 residents attended a meeting in Donnellson to voice their opposition to the project.
Iowa environmentalists look to the Legislature to repeal eminent domain for proposed carbon pipelineIowa environmentalists and landowners are advocating for Iowa lawmakers to address three proposed carbon pipelines and ban the use of eminent domain for the projects.
Study: Iowa ethanol production would shrink if carbon pipelines don't move forward in Iowa but do inA study done for the ethanol industry predicts dire consequences if carbon dioxide pipelines don’t go forward in Iowa but do in other states.